Establishing Self-Compassion with Reiki
Self-compassion encourages us to maintain an open mind about our circumstances and experiences and how we react to those experiences.
Does Distance Reiki Work?
Providing Reiki distance sessions enables you to provide a service that some people may not be able to access otherwise.
Discover Your Life Path and Purpose
Your life purpose involves a common theme that unifies all of your life experiences, skills, abilities, and things that hold your interest.
Developing a Plan for Personal Growth
A personal growth plan is a plan that develops your personal goals and adds to the overall growth of your skills, knowledge, and values.
Developing a Plan for Growing Your Reiki Practice
Knowing what you want and the resources you have available to achieve it is integral to developing a plan for growing your Reiki practice.
Cultivating Inspiration with Reiki
Although inspiration is derived from a moment of spontaneity, we can use Reiki to create the conditions for inspiration to be fostered.
10 Habits to Boost Happiness
We can introduce habits in our lives to increase our level of general happiness. Start small to ensure a better chance of long-term success.
Becoming Aware of Your Client’s Emotions
Emotions can be both positive and negative and can significantly impact our life depending on how we can regulate and manage our emotions.
Online Sources for Meditation Music
Reiki involves the life force and energy that we exist in. Meditation can help us embrace that energy through deliberate focus and attention.
Understanding Reiki
Reiki keeps us connected to important things in our life including our connection to nature and all living beings.
Setting Your Intentions Before each Reiki Session
Identifying your intentions can occur through spontaneously listening to what comes to mind, or it can be through deeper contemplation.
Benefits and Uses of Reiki
There are many benefits of Reiki that can positively impact the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of our lives.
How to Remember the Reiki Hand Positions
The 10 hand positions are used as a general guide for Reiki practitioners to follow when providing Reiki treatment to clients.
Forgiving Your Parents with Reiki
Our parents represent all that should be safe and loving in our life, so when those tenets are broken, the emotional pain can be significant.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
The book sets itself up to give an excellent framework for habits as individual as well as how this impacts organizations and communities.
Using Reiki for a Client with Fatigue
In addition to fatigue, Reiki can help with ongoing distress people may be experiencing while also coping with their primary fatigue symptoms.
Where to find Clients for your Reiki Therapy Practice
You need to know where your clients are so that you can create a strategy on targeting your potential clients.
How to Create an Evernote Template for Blogging
When creating a template, your aim is to create an outline that best represents a set of tasks that you repeat each time.
Reiki Chakra Chart
Each chakra chart includes common information about the chakras including name, location, color, element, and it’s general meaning.
Establishing a Gratitude Practice
A gratitude practice invites you to make a purposeful choice to acknowledge the things you are grateful for in your life.
Establishing Your Daily Reiki Practice
A Reiki daily practice is a personal routine of engaging in Reiki each day so that you may benefit from regularly engaging in that practice.
Guide to the Chakras for Reiki Practitioners
The benefit of balancing your chakras provides a boost to your overall efforts to center yourself back to improved wellbeing.
Is Reiki a Religion
Reiki is not considered a religion and doesn’t fall within the construct of religion with a universal deity that guides principles within Reiki.
Ethics and Reiki Practice
Ethical codes in therapeutic practices such as Reiki define how we should act as a Reiki practitioner providing client care.