1. Your Reiki Business Now
2. Your Future Reiki Business
3. Boost your Reiki Business
4. Free Download Income Earning Ideas
If you are a new Reiki business a large part of your business focus will be on growing your practice to earn an income that supports you. If you are an established Reiki practice, you may feel your income supports you, however, you may have a vision to develop your business further. When you want to develop your business further, you may need to find additional business strategies and personal push to give your business a boost to the next level.
The first step you should undertake is to gather all of the essential information that will help you make informed decisions about your Reiki practice.
Information you will want to gather includes:
- Financial statements about your Reiki practice
- Client statistics to determine:
- How many clients you see over a 6-12 month period
- Your client demographics
- Top 5 issues that your client consults with you about (eg. Pain, mental wellbeing, fatigue etc)
- Social media following across all platforms
- Newsletter statistics
- Website traffic
- Advertising spending and any correlating effect on income
There is a lot more information you can use to assess your current business operations, however, as a solo Reiki practitioner, it’s important to always balance undertaking tasks that can be completed in a short time frame vs not at all. The above information will get you started so that you can gain a basic understanding of how your Reiki practice is currently operating.
Below is a breakdown of what you should be looking for in each piece of information. Details on how to use this information to boost your Reiki business are further on in this article.
- Analyze your finances to understand where you might be able to increase income. Are you able to increase your client work hours? Or do you have the physical space to introduce additional employees or contractors into your business?
- Understand how you can reduce or eliminate unnecessary expenses so that you can redirect any money to expenses that will help generate additional income, eg advertising etc
Much of the information you will need to understand about your business falls under the operational side of your Reiki practice. This is all of the information (outside of financial information), that helps understand how your Reiki practice operates.
- Analyze your client statistics so that you understand whether your client workload could increase. Understand the common traits that exist amongst your clients. This might refer to the common issues that your client brings to your practice.
- Analyze the effectiveness of your social media platforms. Is there any single platform that works best for you? Could your social media presence be improved?
- Understand other avenues of how you communicate with your existing clients as well as any potential clients. Do you publish a newsletter that keeps your existing clients informed? Do you have an easy way for potential clients to contact you? Consolidate an understanding of how clients can communicate with you.
- Develop an understanding of how your website is attracting new clients to your practice. Is your website a static website that is rarely updated, or do you constantly add new content for readers to stay engaged with?
Above are some of the areas that you should investigate to get an understanding of how your Reiki practice operates currently. Use this information to inform your decisions on how you would like to grow your business. You may come to realize you have no room to add extra client work, but you might have the ability to add online courses.
You may also find you do not have an effective marketing strategy and that might help direct your efforts to develop a strategy that can help boost your Reiki business.
Each business will find different answers when analyzing their information as each business operates differently. If you find in this process, that the information you currently have doesn’t provide you with enough information to make informed decisions about your business, then this is a good time for you to put recording processes in place so that you can start collecting important data. You can then decide to revisit this analysis in another 6 months’ time when you have collected that information.
The methods you undertake to boost your Reiki practice will depend on how you envision your Reiki practice to develop over the future. When making plans for your business, it’s good to break your plans down into two distinct categories:
- Short term – this is your view of your Reiki practice over the next 5 years. This timeframe allows you the necessary time to take action on your plans and see them eventuate.
- Long term – this is the master view you have of your practice. This is the view you hold about how your Reiki practice will run until you eventually stop working. This might mean until you retire or until you decide to sell or close your business.
Your long term view doesn’t need to be detailed in plans as it remains further into the distance than what you need to focus on. However, you should always keep the long term view in your mind as it will guide the decisions that you make in the short term. For example, if you plan on selling your Reiki practice in the future, then you might make decisions about hiring staff in the short term that will make selling your business an easier prospect in the future.
Your short term view should be more detailed. Once you set your short term goals, you then set a plan of actions that will ensure those goals are achieved.
To develop the plans for your future Reiki practice:
- write down the vision you have of a perfect day or week in your Reiki practice in 2 years, 10 years, and 15 years. These time markers will depend on your current age and how long you see yourself working in your Reiki practice.
- from this vision, identify the services and products you would be selling in your Reiki practice
- identify the infrastructure (building, website etc), and other resources (staff, money etc) that you would need to enact this vision
- from this list, identify what are short term and long term goals
- list your short term goals and then start to develop plans around achieving them
Below are some previous blog posts that will help you identify your Reiki business plans:
- 10 Steps to Set Up Your Reiki Practice
- 10 Ways to Increase Your Reiki Income
- 5 Easy Strategies to Increase Profit For Your Reiki Practice
- How Do I Create an Ecourse for my Reiki Practice
- How To Organise a Reiki Group
- Plan A Productive Year as a Reiki Practitioner
- Plan Your Marketing Strategies For Your Reiki Practice
- Planning Template for Your Reiki Practice
- Professional Networking for a Reiki Practitioner
- Recording Financial Information For Your Reiki Practice
- The Best Marketing Methods for Reiki Therapists
- Understand the Marketing Cycle of Your Reiki Practice
- When You Have No Clients Booked For Your Reiki Practice
Essentially all business activity comes down to two important parts of the financial equation:
- Increasing income
- Reducing expenses
These two factors constitute your financial data.
In addition to the financial aspects of your business, there is also a personal investment of time as a Reiki practitioner. As the owner of your Reiki practice, most of your time is typically spent on client work which derives your income. Your time is also spent on activities that make your Reiki practice function and these are the activities that typically drain the energy of most business owners. Most business owners don’t envision a working life made up of setting up social media accounts, creating ads, analyzing financial data, or contacting government departments to meet business obligations.
As a business owner, your time should be primarily invested in activities that earn income or develop ideas to earn future income. All other activities should either be delegated or set up as automated processes so that you spend minimal time on administrative tasks.
Below is a summary list of some of the most common ways you can boost your Reiki practice.
- develop other sources of income
- develop a niche – educate
- network with local groups
- network with Allied Health professionals
Additional blog posts focusing on increasing income:
- 10 Ways to Increase Your Reiki Income
- 5 Easy Strategies to Increase Profit For Your Reiki Practice
- How Do I Create an Ecourse for my Reiki Practice
- How To Organise a Reiki Group
- Analyze current spending and contracts to reduce spending
- Interact primarily digitally to reduce the costs of physical storage and management
- Boost Productivity
- Plan better
- Network with other professionals
Additional blog posts focusing on productivity:
- Productivity Podcasts and Getting Things Done (GTD)
- 10 Tools to Boost Your Productivity
- Productivity Tools: Stay Focusd vs Rescue Time
- Improve your website
- Improve networking
- Improve outreach
- Measure your current marketing
- Advertize on social media and Google
- Network with local Allied Health services
Additional blog posts focusing on marketing:
- Create a Free Offer to Build Your Email List
- Create an Annual Social Media Plan in 1 Hour
- Effective Ways to Network as a Reiki Practitioner
- Free Social Media Schedulers Review
- How to Build an Email List for your Reiki Practice
- Online Courses to Improve Your Marketing Skills
- The Best Marketing Methods for Reiki Therapists
- Understand the Marketing Cycle of Your Reiki Practice
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