1. How Resources Can Help Reiki Practitioners
2. Reiki Educational Resources
3. Reiki Practice Resources
4. Reiki Business Resources
5. Reiki Self-Care Resources
6. Free Download
As a Reiki practitioner, you bring your knowledge and expertise to your practice so your clients receive a professional service from you. To help you develop necessary skills for your practice, resources can play an integral part to help you build a suite of tools that you can trust.
There are many facets of being a Reiki professional in a therapeutic business. Your core tasks are to provide Reiki services, however, as a professional, you also need to develop your knowledge of Reiki and run your Reiki practice as a successful business.
Additionally, as a service related business, it’s important to take care of your own physical and mental wellbeing. Using resources to help develop good self-care practices will protect yourself as well as develop your skills to assist your clients.
Before practicing as a Reiki professional it’s important to develop a strong foundation of knowledge about Reiki and how you can help your clients with their specific issues. Initially, you will undertake your base Reiki training and as you progress in your career, you may want to incorporate additional wellbeing services into your Reiki practice.
While you build a strong foundation of knowledge about Reiki, it is also beneficial to understand the range of issues that your clients will present in your practice. This may involve physical issues including pain, physical rehabilitation, or other chronic conditions where Reiki can alleviate suffering. In addition to physical issues, your clients may present with mental health issues such as stress, sadness, anxiety, and difficulty with relationships.
While a Reiki practitioner doesn’t require the knowledge to resolve these issues, it can help your clients if you hold enough knowledge about these issues to understand their experiences.
For more information about how to stay updated with your Reiki education, read our previous blog post: How to Stay Updated with Your Reiki Education
Below are some educational resources for Reiki practitioners:
As a Reiki practitioner, it’s important to keep developing your skill as a practitioner and stay connected with helpful ideas and techniques in the Reiki community. It’s also beneficial to stay connected with other Reiki practitioners in the community to learn from their experiences as practitioners and small business owners.
These resources can help you to develop protocols in your Reiki practice that enable you to provide professional and effective treatment for your clients. This can also help boost your confidence when providing services to your clients.
Having a strong foundation of knowledge that is developed from the expertise of years of wisdom and experience of other practitioners can give you the confidence to provide your clients with beneficial Reiki treatment.
For more information about how resources for your Reiki practice, read our previous blog post: 10 Useful Reiki Websites
Below is a list of 10 Reiki websites to add to your reading list.
- Reiki Therapy Resources (that’s us!)
- Reiki Australia
- All Energies Therapies Web
- Reiki Medicine and Self Care
- International Center for Reiki Training
- Reiki Rays
- Simply Reiki Healing
- Lisa Powers
- The Reiki Alliance
- International Association of Reiki Professionals
You can check out professional Reiki association websites on our previous blog post here: 10 Reiki Associations and Organizations
There are many resources that can help you build and manage your Reiki business. These tools can help you meet your legal and financial obligations as well as develop your business marketing needs. Additionally, these resources can help you plan important business tasks that will improve your business practices.
Below is a list of some useful resources that are broken down by categories:
Social media schedulers offer the ability to schedule all of your various social media posts using one piece of software so that you don’t need to visit multiple sites with a variety of posting procedures. A single piece of software is useful to create an uninterrupted workflow by staying in one place instead of negotiating different software frameworks.
Below are some common social media schedulers:
SEO is an integral part of your marketing strategy. If you have searchable content then your website is viewed as a useful resource for readers. If search engines view your website as a useful resource, they will rank your website highly for readers who search for keywords that appear on your website.
Many tools to improve your SEO have been created by software developers. These tools are designed so that everyday website owners can work with them and don’t need to have computer programming knowledge to use them.
Below are some of the most commonly used SEO tools:
Before you make the important decisions about our website, it is useful to review some websites that appeal to you. Ask yourself why you like these websites – is it the design choices, the content, or the ease of navigation? Each website that you like might have a small detail that you can use as inspiration to include in your final website design for your business.
Included below are a few website designers who can help you design your Reiki website:
Using images amongst your blog content can help break up larger sections of text. Using images can also provide context to your written content by illustrating important points that you are trying to explain. Many readers absorb information in a variety of ways including text, audio, video, and images. Therefore, images can help reinforce your readers understanding of your content.
If you don’t own your images to use on your blog, you can source images from websites that provide photos created by others. You shouldn’t download any images from the internet and assume you have permission to use the image.
Below are some websites that provide access to images you can use on your website:
Planning is the foundation for pursuing your Reiki practice business goals. Once your goals are set, you need a system in place to facilitate action.
Below are some of the most useful tools you can use to plan your Reiki business tasks:
The effects of life stresses and professional burnout can impact a Reiki practitioner’s ability to provide support to their clients in their professional role. If a Reiki practitioner is feeling exhausted and tired from stress, it becomes difficult to work with clients with a healing level of energy. By regularly participating in self-care activities, you can help reduce stress and provide an outlet for the accumulation of professional stress.
Self-care is both a healing process and a preventative process in terms of looking after our health. We can engage in self-care when stresses have already built up, however, we can also engage in preventative self-care that can help reduce the potential for future stresses that accumulate.
For more information on how to incorporate self-care into your practice, read our blog posts below:
- Connecting to Nature with Reiki
- Create a Soothing Spiritual Practice
- Managing Stress with Reiki
- Using Reiki For Your Own Self-Care
- Using Reiki to Become more Mindful
You may also find some useful information from the below websites on how to effectively develop self-care practices:
- Reiki for Self Care
- I’m a Reiki Master Teacher, and Here’s How I Practice Self-Healing on a Regular Basis
- Why Reiki Is Such a Great Self-Care Ritual
- Enjoying a Daily Reiki Practice
- Simple self-care tips
We also have a guidebook focusing on self-care available to purchase in our store: Reiki Guidebook to Self-Care
This workbook focuses on the topic of self-care that is universal to all. Increase your understanding of self-care and how to use self-care in your life.
- Introduction to self-care
- Reiki and Self-care
- Developing your Self-care plan
- Self-care activities and resources
- Reiki self-care treatment
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